After launching an Office app, you might receive a message that says Get genuine Office.
If you see this, we've determined that the Office product installed on your device isn't legitimate and you may be a victim of software counterfeiting.
Don't have a genuine version of Office? Purchase Office or Microsoft 365 using the link below or purchase it from another credible source.
Get genuine Office
Note:If your Office product was provided through your work or school, contact your IT admin. If you're the admin, go to Microsoft licensingto learn more about Microsoft 365 or Office & Office 365 licensing options.
Why you got the Get genuine Office message

If you already bought and installed genuine Office, but you're still seeing a message to Get genuine Office, you may need tocompletely uninstall the apps to make sure all traces of the counterfeit version are removed. Once that's done,reinstall the genuine version of Office. For help with this, follow the steps in the section below, Uninstall the counterfeit version of Office.
Counterfeit software risks
Counterfeit software is inherently dangerous and poses a number of risks.
It exposes you to virus and malware attacks. It lacks sufficient security measures. This can leave the door open for hackers and might have serious implications for you or your business.
It can result in corrupted files and data loss.You might lose important personal files and business data, like customer and accounting information.
You might not receive critical security updates or be able to edit your files.This might disrupt or cause your whole business operation to stop.
If you inadvertently purchased counterfeit software, we suggest contactingthe seller to request a refund.
To protect yourselfand your data, remove the counterfeit version and get a genuine version of Office to receive regular security updates and support.
How to stay safe with a genuine Office license
Note:If you already bought genuine Office, but haven't installed it yet, make sure youUninstall the counterfeit version of Officefirst. If you already installed genuine Office, uninstall both versions and then reinstall the genuine version.
Learn how to tell if your Office software is genuine
To help determine if your Microsoft software is genuine, go to ourHow to Tellsite for more information.Here you'll learn about authentic packaging, including what to look for with product key labels, and Certificate of Authenticity (COA), how to report counterfeit software, and find out what your shopping and licensing options are.
Use Office for free
If you're not ready to purchase a new version of Office, you can use Office on the web. To begin using these freeOffice apps in your browser, sign in with Microsoft at
Learn more about Office on the web.
Uninstall the counterfeit version of Office
Before you install genuine Office, make sure to uninstall the counterfeit version first by following these steps.
If you've already installed the genuine version of Office, this tool will uninstall all versions of Office. Once the uninstall is complete, reinstall the genuine version.
Step 1 - Uninstall Office using the uninstall support tool
Click the button to download and install the Office uninstall support tool.
Follow the steps below to download the uninstall support tool according to your browser.
Tip:The tool may take a few minutes to download and install. After completing the installation, the Uninstall Office products window will open.
Edge or Chrome
In the lower-lower left corner right-click SetupProd_OffScrub.exe > Open.
Edge (older) or Internet Explorer
At the bottom of the browser window, select Run to launch the SetupProd_OffScrub.exe.
In the pop-up window, select Save Fileand then from the upper-right browser window, select the downloads arrow > SetupProd_OffScrub.exe.
Select the version you want to uninstall, and then select Next.
Follow through the remaining screens and when prompted, restart your computer.
After you restart your computer, the uninstall tool automatically re-opens to complete the final step of the uninstall process. Follow the remaining prompts.
Tip:If the Office uninstall tool doesn't completely uninstall Office from your PC, you can try to manually uninstall Office.
Step 2 - Install genuine Office
Tip:For installation help, seeDownload and install or reinstall Microsoft 365 or Office 2019 on a PC or Mac.
After you've uninstalled the counterfeit version of Office, go selectInstall Office. If you need to sign in, make sure that you use the same Microsoft account you used to purchase your genuine Office or Microsoft 365 product. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Manage genuine Office
To manage your new genuine Office product, visit your Microsoft account dashboard.